Bikinied Beauties to Pump Free Gas for Motorists Who Try Green Cuisine
For Immediate Release:
March 8, 2011
Robbyn Brooks 202-483-7382
Santa Barbara, Cali. -- Wearing nothing but strategically placed lettuce leaves and holding signs that read, "Go Green, Go Vegan," a pair of PETA Lettuce Ladies will hand out free vegan food in Santa Barbara on Wednesday. In addition to filling up their stomachs, the first 25 customers to line up at the pumps and try a vegan sandwich will receive two free gallons of gas, which will be pumped by a lovely Lettuce Lady.
When: Wednesday, March 9, 12 noon
Where: 76, 200 S. Milpas St., Santa Barbara
Eating just a single pound of meat is the environmental equivalent of driving more than 40 miles in an SUV. In addition, researchers at the University of Chicago determined that switching to a vegan diet is more effective at countering climate change than switching from a standard car to a Toyota Prius.
"In a time of rising gas prices and rising concern for the environment, we're going the extra mile to help Americans fill up on vegan fuel for their tummies and gas for their tanks," says Lettuce Lady Virginia Fort.
For more information, please visit PETA's website