Group Sends Jason Gines a 'Chicken Finger' T-Shirt
For Immediate Release:
March 11, 2011
Ashley Gonzalez 202-483-7382
Orlando -- After hearing that Jason Gines, a new administrator at Freedom Middle School, reportedly brandished his middle finger at a group of students, PETA sent Gines one of its irreverent "chicken finger" T-shirts. The T-shirt features an image—created by artist Marc Guilbault—of a chicken's extended middle "finger" and includes the word "McCruelty," a reference to PETA's campaign against McDonald's. The group wants the fast-food chain to require its chicken suppliers to adopt a less cruel slaughter method that is already used in Europe and is even supported by McDonald's own animal welfare advisors.
"If anyone should be flipped off, it's McDonald's executives," says PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman. "Talk about a need for discipline—even though less cruel methods are available, McDonald's suppliers are allowed to break birds' bones and scald animals to death in defeathering tanks."
PETA's letter to Jason Gines follows. For more information, please visit
March 11, 2011
Jason Gines
Freedom Middle School
Dear Dean Gines,
Greetings from PETA. We heard about your finger flash last week and wanted to send you one of our McCruelty campaign T-shirts. (An image of the shirt is here, and the shirt is in the mail.) It features a chicken giving "the finger," and wearing it will allow you to sound off without lifting a finger.
As you can see at, McDonald's still allows its U.S. suppliers to break chickens' wings and legs and even scald them to death in defeathering tanks, even though a less cruel method is available and has been recommended by McDonald's own animal welfare advisors. If chickens had the ability, they'd jump at the chance to flip off McDonald's for refusing to end these abuses. We hope you'll consider joining us in giving McDonald's the bird—for the millions of birds who suffer for the chain every year.
Tracy Reiman
Executive Vice President