Protesters Plead for Animal Amnesty as U.S. Nationals Flee Japan
For Immeidate Release:
March 18, 2011
Katie Arth 202-483-7382
Washington -- Waving signs that read, "State Dept: Policy Change NOW" and "Evacuate ALL Americans," PETA members will rally against the State Department's evacuation policy, which is currently preventing U.S. nationals evacuating Japan from taking their animal companions with them. Animals left to fend for themselves can suffer from starvation, dehydration, and deadly injuries with little hope of rescue, and—as seen in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina—many people will endanger themselves by ignoring evacuation orders instead of leaving their animals behind.
When: Saturday, March 19, 2 p.m.
Where: White House, at the intersection of 16th and H streets, Washington, D.C.
"It's deplorable that the State Department continues to condemn U.S. citizens' beloved animal companions to a horrible death when they can easily be included in evacuation plans," says PETA President Ingrid E. Newkirk. "PETA is calling on the State Department to have a plan in place that includes safeguarding companion animals during natural disasters—for the safety of the animals and their guardians."
PETA's Animal Emergency Fund provides grants to animal rescue groups such as PETA Asia-Pacific, which has had a representative in the area since last Saturday. Animal shelters in the area are filling up rapidly as Japanese citizens flee the radiation zone, and the overflowing shelters will only be burdened further if Americans' animals are not flown to safety with their guardians.
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